The use of technologies has become important in different areas of life. Studies show the impact of technological development in higher education, becoming a tool that helps teaching and learning (Arellanos-Carrión, 2023; Nivela-Cornejo et al., 2021). In this regard, the Information System on Educational Trends in Latin America (SITEAL) (2022) issued a report mentioning that the region is implementing a process of integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational systems of each country, which evidences the impact of technologies in the educational sector.Downloads
Bossio, J. (2023). Inteligencia Artificial: Transformando la Educación Superior. https://innovacioneducativa.upc.edu.pe/2023/08/17/inteligencia-artificial-transformando-la-educacion-superior/
Sistema de Información de Tendencias Educativas en América Latina (2022). Educación y tecnologías digitales. UNESCO. https://siteal.iiep.unesco.org/eje/educacion_y_tic
Arellanos-Carrión, S. (2023). Impact and challenges faced by basic and university education in Latin America and Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revista Electrónica Educare, 27(2), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.15359/ree.27-2.15884
Hidalgo-Andrade, P., Paz, C., Hermosa, C., García-Manglano, J., Sábada, C., López-Madrigal, C., & Serrano, C. (2022). Uso de tecnología y malestar durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en Ecuador. Aloma, 40(2). 9-20. https://doi.org/10.51698/aloma.2022.40.2.9-20
Nivela-Cornejo, M., Echeverría-Desiderio, S., & Santos Méndez, M. (2021). Educación superior con nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación en tiempo de pandemia. Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación, 5(19), 813-825. https://doi.org/10.33996/revistahorizontes.v5i19.239
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