Review process

Review process


1. Arbitration process

Contributions sent to RIDU undergo a two-stage evaluation process:


First review stage. The editorial team will evaluate the formal and thematic content of the proposal within a maximum period of 15 days from the receipt of each study with all the required documentation. A notification of receipt will be received indicating whether it is accepted or rejected before the formal review by the reviewers. If the manuscript is rejected, the Editorial Committee will formally or thematically reject the article without the option to return it. On the other hand, if there are minimal formal aspects to be improved, the paper will be returned to the author so that he/she can make corrections within 10 to 15 days prior to the start of the peer review process.

Second review stage. In the second stage, the content and methodological aspects of the article are reviewed, for which the evaluation process is carried out, with two peers external to the publishing institution, national or international, under the double-blind peer review modality (double-blind peer review: the referees do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa). The term of the scientific evaluation process of the papers at this stage is approximately 60 days at most. In case of disagreement in the peer reviewers' opinions, the article will be sent to a third evaluator to make the final decision regarding its evaluation. The final decision is not subject to appeal.

In the evaluation process, the reviewers' opinion will be:

  • a) Accept this submission (ready for publication)
  • b) Publishable with minor modifications
  • c) Re-submit for revision because major modifications must be carried out
  • d) Not recommended for publication


2. Manuscript Correction

All authors will receive the scientific evaluation reports (anonymously) so that they can make the pertinent improvements or replications. Papers that are evaluated and require modifications (minor or major) should be returned within 15 days.

The authors of accepted articles, before the final edition, will receive by e-mail:

  • The manuscript in Word format with style correction (writing and formato APA) for approval.
  • Proofs for correction in PDF format.

In both cases, a maximum of 5 days will be given for sending your approval or corrections.


3. Withdrawal of Articles

In the case of withdrawal of an article, which is in progress in the editorial process of RIDU, the author or authors must communicate formally, by sending a signed letter, and indicate the reason for such withdrawal and wait for the Editor's response.


4. Time between Reception and Publication

The time elapsing between receipt of the article and the start of the arbitration process is 15 calendar days; and the time elapsing between receipt of the article and acceptance for publication is approximately 45 days.