A bibliometric review of the STEAM approach in university education 2010-2022





STEAM, STEM, university education, bibliometry, pedagogy


Introduction: The present study sought to explore and characterize the scientific production of the STEAM approach in university education. Method: The bibliometric design study that analyzed the SCOPUS database, used the VOSviewer program, analyze search and the PRISMA methodology. Results: The STEAM approach has been developed in the field of university education since 2010; however, its continuity between 2012 and 2014 was affected. Countries such as the United States and Spain are leaders in scientific production in high-impact journals (Q1); in addition, the results reflect the adequate applicability of the STEAM approach in the university context. Discussion: The studios pose a marked line of studies such as social sciences and engineering, as it allows the development of diverse skills in the students and promotes the solution of conflicts and innovation; however, the results must be analyzed with caution.


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Author Biography

Calixto Tapullima-Mori, Universidad César Vallejo, Tarapoto, Perú



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How to Cite

Tapullima-Mori, C., Pizzán-Tomanguillo, S. L., Pizzán-Tomanguillo, N. del P., Gómez Sangama, L. R., Vázquez Sánchez, M., & Iñipe Cachay, M. (2023). A bibliometric review of the STEAM approach in university education 2010-2022. Revista Digital De Investigación En Docencia Universitaria, 18(1), e1790. https://doi.org/10.19083/ridu.2024.1790



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