Digital competence of higher education professors in the adequation of remote teaching




digital competence, higher education, teacher training, remote teaching


Introduction: Adoption of remote teaching for the continuation of face-to-face classes during COVID-19 pandemic, urgently required the development of digital competences by academic community. Objective: analyze the digital competence of Brazilian higher education professors during the period of adaptation to remote teaching. Method: it is a survey with 322 Brazilian higher education professors. A questionnaire was applied to raise the professors’ perception about remote teaching, as well as to assess their digital competence. Results: digital competences that need to be better developed by professors are: adoption of information management strategies; development of tools for online assessments; and use of tools to promote gamification and collaborative learning. Discussion: the development of these digital competences helps in solving the problems with remote teaching. Professors who usually take courses and exchange experiences are the ones with a greater development of the analyzed digital skills.


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How to Cite

Piontkewicz, R., Duarte Freitas, M. do C., & Mendes Junior, R. (2023). Digital competence of higher education professors in the adequation of remote teaching. Revista Digital De Investigación En Docencia Universitaria, 18(1), e1589.



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